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1. EcoLogistics Principles
EcoLogistics Principles
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability e.V.
The EcoLogistics Principles set out how cities can work together to address challenges posed by urban freight such as air pollution, carbon emissions, congestion and road accidents, to ensure low emission solutions are sustained and enhanced over time, scaling up good practices.
EcoLogistics Principles for cities
2. Why Cities need to adopt EcoLogistics approach
Why Cities need to adopt EcoLogistics approach
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
The video highlights the importance of urban logistics in cities, its impact on quality of life and approach to integrate it as part of overall urban development plan
EcoLogistics, Sustainable urban logistics, last mile delivery
3. Urban Freight in context of Delhi, Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: A Global Perspective
Urban Freight in context of Delhi, Sustainable Urban Freight Transport: A Global Perspective
TU Delft
The video describes the importance of urban freight, depicts the characteristics and challenges of freight transport in the city of Delhi and various policy measures taken to mitigate some of the issues in context of Delhi. The video was shot in studios of Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg.
Urban Freight, Characteristics, Issues